Terms & Conditions

‘Stories of Ours Generations’ is a service providing family history research with
the findings written into a report or book.

  1. It is not always possible to locate the documents required to research a family or a family member; in this situation the client will be informed. There is no guarantee that all required research material can be located.

  2. Researching family history takes time, this varies depending on the initial information and documentation provided by the client and the
    availability of research documents; the client will receive updates as to the development of their research. This is a two-way process.

  3. Writing a social history of a family takes time and is variable depending on conditions such as the locations and occupations of family
    members; this needs to be taken into consideration by the client and the client will receive updates as to the development of their report or book.

  4. It is not possible to give a delivery time at the outset due to the points raised in 1 and 2, however clients will be updated on provisional
    timelines and the client can contact ‘Stories of Our Generations’ to request an update.

  5. If the product is for a gift point 4 needs to be taken into consideration and allow for forward planning.

  6. If a client disagrees with the research findings a discussion will be arranged to identify the differences, a robust research process is offered and assumptions are not made.

It will be identified during the initial consultation how each client would want to
be informed of unexpected findings and how these are to be managed.

  1. Termination of the agreement is a two week notification period by either party; the client or ‘Stories of Our Generation’. Monies owed by either party must be paid immediately; payment is on a pro rata basis. That is, if ‘Stories of Our Generations’ have received payment in advance money will be refunded dependent on the amount of outstanding work. If the client terminates the agreement the client must pay the amount of unpaid work to the date of termination.

  2. A signed document will be required at the outset of the research as a contract (Terms of Agreement) for both parties.

  3. PAYMENT TERMS – payments can be made by bank transfer

  4. A deposit is required for all packages at the outset; a minimum payment of 25% of the initial package price which is non-refundable. A further 50% is required 2 weeks before sending any work to print with the remainder prior to submission to the client. Individual payment arrangements can be agreed with the client.

All payments are non-refundable due to the work being unique for each client.
Discretionary additional costs may be necessary which will be discussed with the
client. These can include

A) travel time to research departments and site locations; B) certificates and documents required to provide information to research a family or individual; C) Document and image photocopying; D) Postage

  1. Interest will be charged for late payments at a rate of 15% on the outstanding amount of money.

  2. Updates can be provided by telephone and by email

  3. All information provided by the client and by the researcher will be treated in confidence and will only be shared with prior agreement from the client.

  4. Any professional formatting and book printing and binding is outsourced.

  5. Professional formatting and book binding is an additional cost.

  6. If the client meets personally for a discussion be reassured that the researcher for ‘Stories of Our Generations’ has an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Check.

  7. Family history research can uncover sensitive information; in this situation the client will be contacted to discuss their preferences about inclusion or exclusion in the report or book.

  8. Photographs, images and text are treated as copyright protection. ©

  9. The work remains the ownership of ‘Stories of Our Generations’ until the final and full payment has been received.

  10. To research worldwide ancestors an extra payment is required to cover more expensive research database subscriptions.

  11. To avoid the situation of a client not being satisfied with the presentation of the work consultations will take place to discuss formats
    and individual requirements of the presentation of the work. AS THE PRODUCT IS INDIVIDUALLY PRODUCED FOR EACH CLIENT REFUNDS ARE NOT AVAILABLE.

  12. Your use of the Website www.storiesofourgenerations.co.uk and Materials is subject to the following restrictions. You must not: 1. remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices, our name or branding contained in the Materials; or 2. use any Materials from the Website in any manner that may infringe any copyright, intellectual property right or other right of us or any third parties; 3. reproduce, modify, display, perform, publish, distribute, disseminate, broadcast, frame, communicate to the public or circulate to any third party or exploit this Website and/or the Materials for any commercial purpose, without our prior written consent (for the avoidance of doubt, the use of the Website or Materials for educational purposes by not for profit entities does not constitute commercial use, however, acknowledgement of ‘Stories of Our Generations’ is required); 4. use the Website or Material in any way that is in contravention of any applicable law or regulation or in any manner that will violate the privacy, publicity or other personal rights of others or in any defamatory, obscene, threatening, abusive or hateful manner. By transmitting or posting any
    communication or material to the Website you agree that we may use your communication or material for any purpose, including reproduction, transmission, publication, broadcast, posting, developing, manufacturing and marketing of our

    services. However, all confidential data (which is specifically marked as such) and all personal data provided to us via or as a result of this Website will be handled in accordance with our strict standards of confidentiality. Third party sites and services Website and/or Materials may contain links to third party websites, for example Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Your browsing and interaction on any other website, including websites which have a link to or from our Website, is subject to that website’s own rules and policies including in relation to privacy. Please read those rules and policies before proceeding. If you decide to visit any third party site, you do so at your own risk. We are not responsible for the content, accuracy or opinions expressed in such websites. Links do not imply that we are, or our website is, affiliated to or associated with such sites. The inclusion of any link on our website or in our communications with you does not imply endorsement by us of the linked site. If you decide to access linked third party websites, you do so at your own risk.